Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a mongolian version of mexican casserole

The little American food store here got a new container shipment a few days ago. This is like an every few months Christmas day for us. We usually just walk around the tiny little shop and look at all of the food we won't buy because the prices are too expensive. And exclaim things like, "Ah! Look at that [insert food item we can't usually find here]!"

But this time around we did find some reasonably priced tortilla chips and salsa. (Chips and salsa, oh how we have missed you!) So Hol and I have been planning Mexican themed meals with our finds :-)

Our version of a Mexican casserole began with a layer of tortilla chips:

And some corn mixed with tomato sauce and garlic.

Diced tomatoes, onions, red and yellow bell peppers and rice

More crunched up tortilla chips on top

And some hunks of cheese to melt on top

There are no finished pictures because we were too hungry to wait for photographic evidence :-) The casserole was a good substitute for real Mexican food (or Tex-Mex for that matter).

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