Monday, September 27, 2010

cabbage rolls

an end of summer abundance of cabbage meant the market ladies were selling heads of cabbage by the bag for ridiculously cheap.

we've discussed the possibility of cabbage rolls for several months but just finally attempted them a few weeks ago.

our resourcefulness was tested by the need for something to hold the cabbage rolls together- we didn't have any toothpicks, so we improvised and cut up some matches to use instead.

we also subbed tomato sauce for tomato soup and filled them with rice, ground beef and onions.

neither of us had ever had cabbage rolls before so I can't speak to whether or not they tasted like they should, but we liked them and it was a good way of using up a fairly significant portion of our head of cabbage.

any cabbage cooking suggestions? the top parts of the rolls crisped a bit too much in the oven but the matches did an excellent stand in job for holding them together.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

soup as a second meal

Living in the coldest capital city in the world means we crave a lot of soup, and often.

It also means we frequently have soup leftovers sitting in our fridge, waiting to be re-heated or recreated into new things.

Which has brought the soup becoming casserole process into our kitchen.

It's an easy thing really:

Step One: Make some rice (Or pasta- we usually choose rice)

Step Two: Chop up some vegetables or other additional add-ins.

Step Three: Mix the rice (or pasta) and vegetables with the leftover soup.

Step Four: Stick in a casserole dish and sprinkle with cheese or crushed chips or whatever else you have laying around that sounds good.

Step Five: Enjoy your old/new dinner of leftovers :-)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

fried green tomatoes

It took until Mongolia for me to have fried green tomatoes.

Hol spotted them at the market a few days ago and upon discussion, discovered I had never had them. Which then of course led to us having them for dinner a few nights after that.

And when you have extra batter? You should totally make homemade onion rings.

Not technically healthy food, however we did eat homemade hummus sandwiches prior to the fried onions and tomatoes. So really, it all evens out in the end.