Wednesday, February 24, 2010

jimmies or sprinkles?

regardless of what you call them (I definitely called them jimmies as a child), they are a necessary ingredient for funfetti cupcakes.

i may have gone a little overboard on the sprinkles, but what's the fun of making funfetti cupcakes from scratch if you can't up the amount of sprinkles in the batter?

don't they look so cool once they've been baked? they're like tie-dye cupcakes (they made me think of you, Jamila!)
pouring on the chocolate icing that Hol made.


the finished product- with even more sprinkles on top.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THEM!!!! they really do look tie-dyed. oh man, if i end up in CA i propose a hippy-themed reunion visit at my place when you return.

    : ) LOVE YOU
