Wednesday, February 17, 2010

sans long underwear

cooking in Cambodia meant not having to wear long underwear. it meant having good tasting milk and bean sprouts (never underestimate the deliciousness of bean sprouts).

it meant cooking with only a stove top. it meant having things available like bacon, fruit and vegetables other than potatoes or carrots. it was beyond wonderful. we pulled a mongolia stand-by and made breakfast for dinner one night.

i'm not a big meat eater, but bacon is the most wonderful thing ever when you haven't had it for four months.

"Hillsong loud on the speakers, barefoot, the kitchen hot with the blue flames of a gas stove, crackling bacon, flipping pancakes, eggs forming in the pan. Singing as a meal takes shape, the night easing forward as we let it slip away, grains of time sliding away with peace and worship danced upon the tile floor."
- excerpted from Cambodia Hues on Once Upon a Time in Real Life

cambodia also meant getting to cook for our friend Joseph. it's unfortunate he doesn't look happier in this picture :-) he ate the food anyway.

1 comment:

  1. what a cool adventure! if you want to stay warm you should try Shiverswear long underwear. they have a sock attached so your feet even stay warm and the men's have a fly,
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